How To Apply For A Grant

The Nell J. Redfield Foundation was organized by Nell J. Redfield on November 13, 1974 to provide a vehicle for her regular charitable giving. Since her death in 1981, the Foundation Directors have carried on her charitable activities. The Articles of Incorporation of the Foundation generally describe its purposes to include the advancement of healthcare, medical research, care for needy children and women, and the advancement of education.

It was Nell’s hope and expectation that she would have an opportunity to engage in charitable activities for her lifetime and in perpetuity after her death. Her successors were instructed to faithfully adhere to her mission statement.

Submission of Written Grant Application

  1. Description of the applying organization.
  2. The purpose for which the grant is to be made.
  3. Most recent financial statement.
  4. An explanation of why this program is unique. Why is it needed?
  5. A description of the changes that will occur as a result of this program.
  6. A description of your plan for sustaining the program after the grant.
  7. How will you know this project succeeded at the end of this grant? (list three goals for the project and the metrics to be used to determine whether the goals have been met).
  8. An itemized budget of the amount requested from The Foundation in addition to the total budget for the entire project, together with an explanation of the uses to which The Foundation funds will be put. (The Foundation expects to be notified by the applicant of grants received from other sources while the proposal is being reviewed as such grants frequently cause changes in the overall program and budget of the organization.)
  9. A copy of the IRS determination letter stating that the applying organization has 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status and is not a private foundation.

Notification of Status and Supervision of Submitted Proposals

Prospective grantees will be advised within thirty (30) days after the regular quarterly meeting at which a grant application was considered of the action taken by the Board on their proposal.

If a grant application is approved by the Board, the recipient will be requested to sign and return to the Foundation a Grant Agreement Letter. Only after receipt of the signed Grant Agreement Letter will a grant be funded.

The Board may determine that it requires additional information to be able to act on an application in which case action on the application will be held in abeyance until the necessary additional information is received and considered by the Board.

The Foundation expects recipients of grants to make periodic information progress reports and, at the termination of the project, to submit a narrative report and statements of disbursements. All unexpended funds given to a specific project must be returned to the Foundation.

If at all possible, a Foundation representative will make periodic onsite visits to monitor the grant in progress.

If a request is denied, an applicant may submit a new application for funding for the following year, but it must be an updated application and not a request to reinstate a prior application which has been acted upon by the Directors.