The Nell J. Redfield Foundation was organized by Nell J. Redfield on November 13, 1974 to provide a vehicle for her regular charitable giving. Since her death in 1981, the Foundation Directors have carried on her charitable activities. The Articles of Incorporation of the Foundation generally describe its purposes to include the advancement of healthcare, medical research, care for needy children and women, and the advancement of education.
It was Nell’s hope and expectation that she would have an opportunity to engage in charitable activities for her lifetime and in perpetuity after her death. Her successors were instructed to faithfully adhere to her mission statement.
Grant Making Policies
The Foundation makes grants to qualified tax exempt charitable organizations having a 501(c)(3) tax exempt status which are not private foundations.
The Foundation accepts applications from organizations with sound management, demonstrated support from the organization’s own trustees and constituency, and the evidence of solid, realistic long-term planning. An applicant should, if requested, be able to document the planning process leading to the creation of the project for which funds are sought, also showing support from internal sources as well as potential donors other than The Foundation. The Foundation’s Board of Directors meets quarterly during the calendar year to consider and act upon grant requests and applications received prior to each quarterly meeting. In order to reduce the number of inappropriate applications received and thus to increase the time available for review of applications which have met the initial criteria, The Foundation has instituted the specific application procedures described below.
How To Apply For a Grant
The applicant should first determine, after careful study of the guidelines in this brochure, whether or not the proposed project or grant request falls within the stated guidelines and current priorities of the Foundation.
Threshold Guidelines
The Foundation discourages any direct communication with a prospective grantee. If, after receiving a grant application, the Board believes that further information is needed, it will make initial contact with the applicant.
The Foundation does not make grants to individuals but rather limits consideration to qualified tax-exempt charitable organizations having a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status.
The Foundation makes grants to qualified organizations that are located in Washoe County, State of Nevada.
To be considered by the Board, a grant application must be received at least ten business (10) days before quarterly meetings of the Directors which are held on the first Thursday of March, June, September, and December.
The Foundation has no Application Form for use by an applicant. Each applicant should adopt a form and provide the required information in a format that it believes to be appropriate to the grant being requested.